Peer-reviewed journals
20 - Lambert C., Annette Broderick, Damla Beton, Ana Cañadas, Cécile Dars, Andrew Di Matteo, Lola Gilbert, Joan Giménez, Ioannis Keramidas, Joan Navarro, Josie Palmer, Robin Snape, Laura Sparks, Jérôme Spitz, Athanassios C. Tsikliras, Auriane Virgili, and David Grémillet (submitted) “Where the big things eat in a troubled sea – Energyscapes pinpoint marine megafauna feeding hotspots in the Mediterranean”. Submitted to PNAS.
19 - Lambert C., Bonnet-Lebrun A.-S. and Grémillet D. (2025) “Bridging the gap between Lagrangian and Eulerian species distribution models for abundance estimation - A simulation experiment”. Journal of Biogeography. DOI (open access paper)
18 - Lambert C., Cecere J., De Pascalis F. and Grémillet D. (2024) “Correcting detection bias in mapping the abundance of marine megafauna using a Mediterranean seabird as an example”. ICES JMS, fsae058. DOI (open access paper)
17 - Abucay et al. (2023) “Scientific knowledge gaps on the biology of non-fish marine species across European Seas”. Front. Mar. Sci. 10. DOI (open access paper)
16 - Lambert C. and Virgili A. (2023) “Data stochasticity and model parametrisation impact the performance of species distribution models: insights from a simulation study”. Peer Community Journal, 3:e34. DOI (open access paper).
15 - Lambert C., Authier M., Blanchard A., Dorémus G., Laran S., Van Canneyt O., Spitz J. (2022) “Delayed response to environmental conditions and infra-seasonal dynamics of the short-beaked common dolphin distribution”. Royal Society Open Science, 9:220379. DOI (open access paper)
14 - Lambert C., Fort J. (2022) “No evidence that seasonal changes in large-scale environmental conditions drive migration in seabirds”. Journal of Animal Ecology 91, 9:1813–1825. DOI; link to author version.
13 - Lambert C., Dorémus G., Ridoux V. (2021) “The persistence in time of distributional patterns in marine megafauna impacts zonal conservation strategies”. Peer Community Journal 1:e39. DOI (open access paper).
12 - Lambert C., Authier M., Dorémus G., Laran S., Panigada S., Spitz J., Van Canneyt O., Ridoux V. (2020) “Setting the scene for Mediterranean litterscape management: the first basin-scale quantification and mapping of floating marine debris”. Environmental Pollution, 263, Part A: 114430. DOI; link to author version.
11 - Lambert C., Authier M., Dorémus G., Gilles A., Hammond P., Laran S., Ricart A., Ridoux V., Scheidat M., Spitz J., Van Canneyt O. (2019) “The effect of a multi-target protocol on cetacean detection and abundance estimation in aerial surveys”. Royal Society Open Science, 6: 190296. DOI (open access paper).
10 - Pettex E., Lambert C., Fort J., Dorémus G., Ridoux V. (2019) “Spatial segregation between immatures and adults in a pelagic seabird suggests age-related competition”. Journal of Avian Biology, 50, 5. DOI. *EP and CL contributed equally to this work
9 - Lambert C., Authier M., Doray M., Dorémus G., Spitz J., Ridoux V. (2019) “Hide and seek in the Bay of Biscay - a functional investigation of marine megafauna and small pelagic fish interactions”. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 76, 1: 113-123. DOI, link to author version.
8 - Lambert C., Authier M., Doray M., Dorémus G., Spitz J., Ridoux V. (2018) “Decadal stability in top predator habitat preferences in the Bay of Biscay” Progress in Oceanography, 166: 109-120. DOI, link to author version.
7 - Lambert C., Pettex E., Virgili A., Delavenne J., Toison V., Blanck A., Ridoux V (2017) “Habitat modelling predictions highlight seasonal relevance of MPAs for marine megafauna”. Deep Sea Research II, 141:262-274. DOI, link to author version.
6 - Lambert C., Pettex E., Dorémus G., Laran S., Stephan E., van Canneyt O., Ridoux V. (2017) “How does ocean seasonality drive habitat preferences of highly mobile top predators? Part II: the Eastern North-Atlantic”. Deep Sea Research II, 141: 133-154. DOI, link to author version.
5 - Lambert C., Sophie L., David L., Dorémus G., Pettex E., van Canneyt O., Ridoux V. (2017) “How does ocean seasonality drive habitat preferences of highly mobile top predators? Part I: the north-western Mediterranean Sea”. Deep Sea Research II, 141: 115-132. DOI, link to author version.
4 - Virgili A., Lambert C., Dorémus G., Pettex E., van Canneyt O., Ridoux V. (2017) Predicting seasonal variations in coastal seabird habitats in the English Channel and the Bay of Biscay”. Deep Sea Research II, 141: 212-223. DOI.
3 - Pettex E., Laran S., Authier M., Blanck A., Dorémus G., Falchetto H., Lambert C., Monestiez P., Stéfan E., Van Canneyt O., Ridoux V. (2017) “Using large scale survey to investigate seasonal variations in seabird distribution and abundance. Part II: the Bay of Biscay and the English Channel”. Deep Sea Research II, 141: 86-101. DOI.
2 - Delavenne J., Lepareur F., Witté I., Touroult J., Lambert C., Pettex E., Virgili A., Siblet J-P. (2017) “Spatial conservation prioritization for mobile top predators in French waters: comparing observation rates and predicted densities as input”. Deep Sea Research II, 141: 275-284. DOI.
1 - Lambert C., Mannocci L, Lehodey P., Ridoux V. (2014) “Predicting cetacean habitats from their energetic needs and the distribution of their prey in two contrasted tropical regions”. PLoS ONE 9 (8): e105958. DOI (open access paper).
Technical reports
5 - Lambert C., Ridoux V., Dorémus G. (2021) Monitoring cetacean populations using multi-disciplinary scientific surveys. Report for the ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee.
4 - ACCOBAMS (2021). Estimates of abundance and distribution of cetaceans, marine mega-fauna and marine litter in the Mediterranean Sea from 2018-2019 surveys. By Panigada S., Boisseau O., Canadas A., Lambert C., Laran S., McLanaghan R., Moscrop A. Ed. ACCOBAMS - ACCOBAMS Survey Initiative Project, Monaco, 177 pp. link
3 - Lambert C., Authier M., Dorémus G., Laran S., Ridoux V., Spitz J., Van Canneyt O. (2018) “Impact of observation protocol on perception and abundance estimation of small cetaceans”. Rapport final pour le Ministère de la Transition Écologique et Solidaire. Observatoire Pelagis UMS 3462 La Rochelle Université - CNRS, 79 pp. link to english synthesis
2 - Ricart A., Pettex E., Lambert C., Falchetto H., Laran S., Blanck A., Ridoux V. (2014) “Suivi Aérien de la Mégafaune Marine en Manche Est (SAMM-ME, Hiver 2014) - Rapport final”. Rapport final pour l’Agence des Aires Marines Protégées. Observatoire Pelagis UMS 3462 La Rochelle Université - CNRS, 87 pp. link
1 - Pettex E., Lambert C., Laran S., Ricart A., Virgili A., Falchetto H., et al (2014) “Suivi Aérien de la Mégafaune Marine en France métropolitaine - Rapport Final”. Rapport final pour l’Agence des Aires Marines Protégées. Observatoire Pelagis UMS 3462 La Rochelle Université - CNRS, 169 pp. link
Academic reports
3 - Lambert C. (2016) “Top predators in marine ecosystem, their response to ocean spatio-temporal variability”. PhD thesis, La Rochelle Université. DOI, link.
2 - Lambert C. (2013) “Predicting top predator distributions from the spatial patterns of their prey, coupling aerial surveys and ecosystemic model outputs”. MSc thesis, Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier.
1 - Lambert C. (2012) “Les caractéristiques morphométriques d’Eurytemora affnis (Poppe, 1880) comme indicatrices de qualité du milieu”. MSc thesis, Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier.